Student Solution


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Week 2 Video_Anthropology

Week 2 Video_Anthropology

Q Pick a video from Ethnographic Video Online (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You will have to log on using your CSN log on information, which is the same you use to access Angel. On the left-hand toolbar select “Subjects”. Pick a category based on what we are covering during the week then pick a film to view

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I watched this amazing documentary, The Mystery of the Human Hobbit, about the discovery of a human bones, doubted to be descendants of Homo erectus and a new species or could be just a deformed ancient modern human, in the islands of Flores in Indonesia, that was 18,000 years old, three foot tall, and of a female gender. Initial contradictory beliefs that it could be the remains of a young girl child but premolar canine twin roots, worn down wisdom teeth, and cranial structures, eventually led to the conclusion that she was indeed an adult.